Sunday 25 October 2009

about me ...

Hi !, I am Daniela Brunet, I have 18 years old, and I live in Ñuñoa, Stgo, Chile. I am studying Veterinary Medicine at University of Chile, and this is my first year studying at university. This time has been reaally difficult to me because I am not used to study so much and at the university, the requirements are so high u.u..
Well, I love way too much the animals and that is te reason because I study this carrer.
I like to listen music, I spend the whole day doing it, because relaxes me so much =)..
Y live at home, with mi brother calling Ignacio, my mother calling Andrea and my dog calling Flo.. My father lives at United States, he went when I was a baby, but I always speak with him, and I love him so much..
Well, I hope you are not borin reading m history =)..
Kisses for you..

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